Boston's Finest is a reality television series that centers on the the men and women of the Boston Police Department. It offer viewers an up-close and very personal look at what it takes to protect and serve one of America's greatest and most distinctive cities. Unlike many unscripted series about law enforcement, Boston's Finest will follow the fearless actions of the entire Boston Police Department, including beat officers, detectives, SWAT, fugitive and special task forces, as well as members of the highly decorated Gang Unit. In addition to following the officers while they are on duty, Boston's Finest will provide a glimpse into their personal lives when they are off the clock and living in the same neighborhoods they protect each day. Viewers will also be introduced to the officers' families, who serve as their all-important support system. Boston’s Finest not only celebrates the bravery of officers who risk their lives every day, but also showcases the heart and soul of one of the oldest and proudest police departments in the nation. [Source: TNT]