Dive deep into the backwoods of wild Kentucky with legendary woodsman Ernie Brown Jr. - aka "Turtleman" - as he takes on some of the most outlandish and outrageous nuisance calls these woods have to offer - including raccoons, skunks, snakes, venomous spiders and possums. Ernie is a charming animal lover with an unbelievable Bluegrass lifestyle, and for the past three decades, he's been diving into Kentucky's murkiest ponds in search of feisty snapping turtles capable of biting through bone. Accompanied by his canine companion Lolly and armed with country wits as sharp as the steel blade he carries, aptly named "Thunder," Turtleman has the uncanny ability to catch monster snapping turtles with his bare hands and return them into the wild unscathed. Each week, Turtleman receives calls from dozens of businesses and home owners stuck with unwanted and potentially deadly pests. No job is too tough or dangerous for Turtleman, and his years of bonding with wild animals allow him to use his animal instincts to save them. Never traditional but always effective, Turtleman uses pure instinct and his bare hands to go toe-to-claw with some of the most dangerous critters in Kentucky, but it's always for the animal's own good. With a "trademark" celebratory yell following each successful capture, Turtleman's self-taught trapping style allows him to safely reintroduce frisky critters to nature.